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Here you will find detailed information on the diverse range of abrasive products supplied. Need further help? Please contact our dedicated team in Customer Services
Bonded cutting and grinding discs and wheels.
- How are grinding and cutting discs manufactured? An explanation of abrasive and bond types. A guide to recommendations and.....
- A guide to bench and pedestal grinding wheels...
- A guide to discs and wheels used on angle grinders...
- EN12413 requires that certain information be provided on a wheel or disc to enable the operator to determine its correct safe use....
- Data sheet for resin bonded abrasive wheels and discs containing chemical composition, hazard identification, storage and more!
- Data sheet for vitrified bonded abrasive wheels and discs containing chemical composition, hazard identification, storage and more!
- Depressed centre, plain sided, recessed, dish and other standard shapes for bonded abrasive wheels and discs.
- Determine maximum RPM of a wheel based on the maximum peripheral surface speed shown on a wheel or disc. Suitable for all diameters of abrasive wheels and discs.
- Metal hardness conversion data
- Shaped, single and multi-point diamond dressing tools for sharpening and forming vitrified bonded grinding wheels.
- Rail grinding and cutting wheels and discs from Norton.
- Grinding and cutting wheel training courses.
- Tyrolit grinding wheels designed for the turbine industry.
- Tyrolit grinding wheels designed for the transmission industry.
- Tyrolit grinding wheels designed for the medical technology industry.
- Tyrolit grinding wheels designed for the steel industry.
- Tyrolit grinding wheels designed for the cutting insert industry.
- Tyrolit grinding wheels designed for the bearing industry.
- Chemico grinding paste data sheet.
- Abrasive solutions for welders.
- How to remove rust and paint using a right angle grinder.
Abrasive wheel dressing solutions
Mounted wheels and points
Coated abrasive discs, belts, sheets and rolls.
- Many of the most popular portable sanding machines and belt sizes are listed in this guide.
- EN13743 requires discs and wheels including flap wheels, flap discs, fibre backed discs and backing...
- Data sheet for coated abrasives showing chemical compostion and abrasive types.
- Material safety data sheet for surface conditioning abrasive products.
- Abrasive solutions for welders.
- How to measure the dimensions of a sanding belt.
- Your guide to selecting the right abrasive system solutions for raw wood, wood materials and paints. (Sait)
Diamond and CBN abrasive grinding and cutting wheels and discs.
- Electroplated diamond and CBN abrasive products for industry.
- More on the advantages of grinding and cutting of metals with CBN abrasive.
- Marking requirements for specific CBN and Diamond products according to EN 13236:2001
- Diamond and CBN grinding wheels for CNC grinders.
- The advantage of grinding with resin bonded diamond abrasive.
- Innovative diamond abrasive grinding and cutting wheels for use with angle grinders.
Safety information.
- Abrasive wheel safety training courses.
- HSE guide to safety in the use of abrasive wheels.
- HSE guide to eye and face protection.
- HSE guide to the problem of dust in the workplace.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) check list for operators of angle grinders, petrol saws, die grinders, chop saws and other hand held cutting or grinding equipment.
- The Organization for the Safety of Abrasives (oSa®) makes working with cutting and grinding tools safer, every day, everywhere. Discover more about the benefits of working with oSa-certified manufacturers like Saint-Gobain.
Further information
- Abtec business ethics and equal opportunity policy.
- Abtec quality and assurance policy.
- Pneumatic vs. Electric Tool Calculations and Considerations