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200mm Diameter Ceramic Abrasive Grinding Wheels

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Showing 1 - 10 of 10 products
Showing 1 - 10 of 10 products

3SG is a traditional ceramic microstructure grain. Very high concentration of SG ceramic aluminium oxide abrasive for.... 

3SG is a traditional ceramic microstructure grain. Very high concentration of SG ceramic aluminium oxide abrasive for high removal rate &.....

Coarse ceramic abrasive for exceptionally cool cutting of hard and difficult to grind steels.......

Ceramic abrasive for exceptionally cool cutting of hard and difficult to grind steels.......

3SG is a traditional ceramic microstructure grain. Very high concentration of SG ceramic aluminium oxide abrasive for high removal rate &.....

Ceramic abrasive for exceptionally cool cutting of hard and difficult to grind steels.......

Price available on request

3SG is a traditional ceramic microstructure grain. Very high concentration of SG ceramic aluminium oxide abrasive for high removal rate &.....

A blend with a low concentration of ceramic grain for good performance in a number of applications. Harder & sharper than....

Designed as an adhesive for ring grinding wheels (type 2) to metal back plates. .....