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Product Description

Size: 150mm x 1220mm

Abrasive type: Aluminium oxide, resin bonded to provide a tough durable product for most grinding and sanding operations on wood and most metals. Manufactured for Abtec in Europe by Sait Abrasives.

Grit sizes: Coarse > P40, 60, 80, 120, 150, 180, 240, 320, 400, 600 < Fine

Backing material: Heavy polyester cloth.

Machines: Record Power BDS 250. Clarke CS6-9C. Nutool NT69

 Price per belt.

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Customer Reviews

150mm x 1220mm Aluminium oxide sanding belt.

Item in Stock

Aluminium oxide abrasive, resin bonded, to provide a tough durable product for most grinding and sanding operations on wood and.....