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Product Description

Stearate coated aluminum oxide designed for grinding and finishing of aluminium and aluminium alloy without clogging. The flaps are produced from VSM KK732X cloth and fixed on a robust fibre glass backing.

Available in P60.


  • Aluminium.
  • Aluminium alloy including 6061, 7075, 7068 and 6063.  

Hole size 22.23mm/22mm (7/8")

Pack Quantity: 10 discs

You should ensure that you are fully informed on the safe operation of abrasive cutting and grinding wheels. More on training in the use of cutting and grinding wheels........

Price On Request. Please contact one of our representatives Monday-Friday between 8.30 am and 5.00 pm GMT on +44 (0)1945 585500 or email for a quotation. 



Product Code

Customer Reviews

115 mm (4 1/2") P60 Stearate coated flap discs for aluminium. (F511-706)

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Product Code (F511-706)

Stearate coated aluminum oxide designed for grinding and finishing of aluminium and aluminium alloy without clogging.....